
Showing posts from September, 2012

Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure

Hello All, Our wonderful friends have put together a team, in honor of Victoria, to participate in the 20th annual Phoenix Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure. The race will take part on 14 October 2012 here in Phoenix. Victoria has been an incredible inspiration to me and I'm sure to many others. She has faced this battle courageously and has never lost sight of the goal to win this war! Fortunately, Victoria has had access to excellent healthcare and an unwavering support system composed of a loving family and incredible friends. Unfortunately, breast cancer is not selective of it's victims and there are countless people that have and will continue to benefit from Susan G. Komen. So, how can you show your support for Victoria and Susan G. Komen? Visit the team page for Victoria at: -Sign up to join our team -If you can't join our team, but want to sho

Radiation, What to do?

It's been a busy summer for Victoria, Brodie and I. We finally moved back into our house and have had to travel out of state for a couple of weddings. Normalcy is beginning to finally settle in, well somewhat. Victoria is doing extremely well! Her attitude couldn't be better and she seems to be feeling great. Her hair is coming back, thick, beautiful and brown, yes brown! The medical and surgical oncologist both recommended that Victoria see a radiation oncologist to determine whether or not she need to receive radiation treatment. Prior to meeting with the radiation oncologist both Victoria and I agreed that the doctor would have to present a pretty strong case regarding Victoria's condition in order for her to go through radiation. We left the appointment not knowing what direction to take as the doctor had essentially described Victoria as being in a "grey" area and did not clearly provide any significant reason for Victoria going through radiation. Ho