
Showing posts from April, 2012

Closing In

Victoria had her 5th, or second to last chemo session on Wednesday. Chemo went well and like all the previous treatments she feels pretty horrible this weekend. I think Victoria has just gotten to the point where this isn’t becoming any easier, but she knows what to expect and handles the side effects remarkably well. Victoria is closing in on the end of chemo and will move onto surgery in roughly 5 weeks. We met with the surgical oncologist on Wednesday for a consultation. He is by far the most serious and straightforward of all the doctors that we have seen. He is also very precise and explains the options in a detailed, yet understandable manner. The surgeon began the consult by performing a physical exam, which would help him determine what course of action to suggest. When we first met the surgeon prior to Victoria receiving chemotherapy he had examined her and basically determined that a mastectomy would be her only option, unless the chemo, in his words, had a “profound

2 to Go!

Victoria finished her fourth chemo treatment about a week and a half ago. The treatment went well and again the side effects were manageable, but nothing that any of us would look forward to dealing with. Unfortunately, Victoria’s chemo was the Wednesday before Easter, so she wasn’t feeling her best on Easter morning. She still managed to put on her best face and made it to the 7:00 am Mass followed by making conversation at her Father and Step-Mother’s annual Easter brunch celebration. Things are going for the most part very well. Victoria has two more treatment sessions and should be through with the chemo. During our next session we will have a consult with the surgical oncologist who will go over the next phase in Victoria’s treatment plan, surgery, and what options she has. We are anxious to hear what options he discusses, as well as knowing when the surgery will be scheduled and approximately how long the recovery will take. All in all things are going smoothly. Vic