2 to Go!

Victoria finished her fourth chemo treatment about a week and a half ago. The treatment went well and again the side effects were manageable, but nothing that any of us would look forward to dealing with. Unfortunately, Victoria’s chemo was the Wednesday before Easter, so she wasn’t feeling her best on Easter morning. She still managed to put on her best face and made it to the 7:00 am Mass followed by making conversation at her Father and Step-Mother’s annual Easter brunch celebration.
Things are going for the most part very well. Victoria has two more treatment sessions and should be through with the chemo. During our next session we will have a consult with the surgical oncologist who will go over the next phase in Victoria’s treatment plan, surgery, and what options she has. We are anxious to hear what options he discusses, as well as knowing when the surgery will be scheduled and approximately how long the recovery will take.
All in all things are going smoothly. Victoria as you all know has been extremely strong through all of this. She faces each day with a level of courage that I think many of us would find difficulty in achieving if we were going through this. She is very confident and feels comfortable facing all of the challenges both physically and emotionally that she faces. I am proud to have my beautiful wife on my arm, and although some may stop and stare, or wonder what is going on when they see Victoria with no hair the attention doesn’t seem to bother us. Victoria is more beautiful and confident than ever!
We look at this time as a period in our life that we will want to remember, so we had professional photos taken on Friday. We are pleased with how well they turned out. I posted a sample for you on the blog and the others you can see on Victoria’s facebook page.
Thank you for keeping Victoria in your thoughts and prayers and I’ll update you much sooner after the next chemo treatment.


  1. Bellisima! I'm not Victoria's friend on FB so I can't see the other photos but this one that you posted is beautiful. I think it's great that you guys are documenting this journey not only in words but also in pictures. Your son will enjoy looking back on these pictures and this blog when he gets older. :)

  2. Victoria, you are so strong, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Jeff, thanks for the blog updates and everything you are doing during this difficult time. Beautiful picture


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