
Showing posts from March, 2013

Back in the hospital...Post Surgery

Victoria found herself back in the hospital roughly one week after being released from her reconstruction surgery. It was a Thursday morning when Victoria called me at work. She had just finished taking Brodie to the park and her only remaining drain was filling up with blood and filling up fast. The rate was alarming, roughly 50cc per 15 minutes. I immediately left work and sped home fearing that I would have to take Victoria to the Emergency room. In the meantime Victoria had called the plastic surgeon to notify him of the situation. He wanted her to come in immediately. After arriving home I took her to the doctor’s office. The surgeon walked in, examined Victoria, told her to sit tight and calmly walked out of the room. We could hear him through the door talking on the phone. “I need an anesthesiologist to meet me immediately at Arrowhead Hospital”. There was a pause as he dialed another number. “I need an operating room immediately, it’s an emergency”. The doctor cam