Back in the hospital...Post Surgery

Victoria found herself back in the hospital roughly one week after being released from her reconstruction surgery. It was a Thursday morning when Victoria called me at work. She had just finished taking Brodie to the park and her only remaining drain was filling up with blood and filling up fast. The rate was alarming, roughly 50cc per 15 minutes. I immediately left work and sped home fearing that I would have to take Victoria to the Emergency room. In the meantime Victoria had called the plastic surgeon to notify him of the situation. He wanted her to come in immediately.
After arriving home I took her to the doctor’s office. The surgeon walked in, examined Victoria, told her to sit tight and calmly walked out of the room. We could hear him through the door talking on the phone. “I need an anesthesiologist to meet me immediately at Arrowhead Hospital”. There was a pause as he dialed another number. “I need an operating room immediately, it’s an emergency”. The doctor came back in the room. “So, I’m going to need you to head over to Arrowhead Hospital. I’ll be over there shortly. You are going to take a little nap, we are going to open you up, find out where the bleeding is coming from, and stop the bleeding”. Victoria was heading back the hospital for surgery.
After a quick 1.5 hour procedure the doctor came out and talked to me in the waiting room. The surgery went fine. He explained that Victoria essentially had an artery that had developed a clot against one of the other drain tubes. When they removed that drain tube the day prior, that clot was removed as well. This allowed the artery to begin bleeding and the only way for them to stop that bleeding was to go back in to the surgery site to stop it. Thankfully, all went well, but it landed Victoria back on square one with pain management and everything else that goes along with a surgery of this type. She was finally starting to feel well and coming off the pain meds prior to being re-admitted for surgery.
Victoria was released from the hospital the next day and she hasn’t had any further complications. Her wounds are healing well and she is happy with the way the reconstruction turned out. As you all know Victoria has been an incredible fighter through all of this and her strength has been unwavering.
I hope that this blog has served to keep you up to date with what Victoria has been through this past year and maybe it has served you in other ways. Maybe as a source of inspiration or hope, maybe you are going through this right now or know somebody that is and this has helped you to cope with what you are experiencing.
This blog has been a way for me to share Victoria’s fight with all of you. As Victoria and I move on to close this chapter in our life the blog will end as well. Although the blog is ending feel free to personally contact me if you would like to know how Victoria is doing or even if you have just come across this blog and are experiencing a similar situation or just have general questions. I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner.

​​​​Thank you for reading and allowing me to share my beautiful wife’s story with all of you!

- Jeff Braselton


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