Farewell Italia...

There are many difficult things about this disease. Victoria losing her hair, dealing with the side effects of chemotherapy, and when you live in another country…well saying farewell. For us it was to our home, to our friends, to our favorite restaurants, and to our co-workers. Victoria and I have been married for 6 years and over half of that time has been spent in Italy. Our first home together was in Italy, when we returned for the second time we were lucky enough to live in the same house that we called home and share that with our son. We were able to build upon old relationships, and create new ones. We were able to recreate fond memories of past trips and develop lasting memories of new ones.
This past week has come to an end and we have returned “home”. “Home” to Arizona. Although, returning home was the right decision for Victoria’s treatment, and we are ecstatic to be amongst our very supportive family and friends, we will always miss our first home, as a married couple, in Italy.
Words cannot explain how living in Italy has developed us into better, more cultural and more appreciative people. Italy for us is not just a country in Europe, but a way of life. The Italians are some of the most generous, caring, warm-hearted people in the world. They truly have a love for life and you can see it in their faces, actions and humor.
To all of our wonderful friends in Italy, you know who you are, thank you! Thank you for being so wonderful, for making us feel special, and for your contagious way of life that has only developed us into better people. We will always hold a special place for all of you in our hearts.
So, we will not say good-bye, but see you soon…
I migliori auguri! Amiamo e perdere tutti voi!


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