The Glass is Half least for now

Victoria finished her third chemo treatment last Wednesday and her cancer is responding well. Her lab work and physical exams continue to come back positive showing that she is receptive to the chemotherapy. The doctor is hopeful that when Victoria goes in for surgery she will have no remaining cancer cells, her chances are about 40%, which to us is exciting that she has that type of probability.
Victoria's third treatment also marks the half-way point in her chemo treatment plan, thus the reason for the use of the expression the glass is half full. I can't express how happy I am that Victoria will only have to go through three more sessions. I am so proud of Victoria and how strong she has been through this grueling treatment. Although, I wouldn't say the side effects have become any worse, I would say that she is becoming weaker and it is taking her longer to recover after each session. I can understand why. Imagine being injected with an insane amount of chemicals designed to destroy good and bad cells. Your immune system being weakened to one less than that of a newborn. Then receiving a shot, in the stomach, that causes your bones to ache because your bone marrow has been commanded to go into overdrive for the mass production of white blood cells to replace those that the chemo destroyed.
This is what Victoria has to look forward to every two weeks. It takes her roughly 1 full week to recover, then she gets to enjoy two weeks of feeling okay, then her system is torn down and she must rebuild again. By the way she still manages to be a wonderful wife and mother, oh and did I fail to mention she is working full time?
Victoria continues to face the day with a positive attitude and a lot of determination and strength. For those of you reading, please continue to pray for her speedy recovery, as well as her continued positive state of mind, determination and strength as she continues to attack this cancer.


  1. I love your blog, Jeff. It is great to have a way to stay updated and I think she is so lucky to have you! Thanks for the updates, keep them coming! I have your blog bookmarked on my phone and look for updates all. the. time. Ps can't wait to see you guys.

  2. KEEP FIGHTING VIC! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Am so happy you have such a wonderful, caring, supportive husband! thanks JEFF!! such an awesome addition to the family!
    love you guys!

  3. Hugs, positive healing thoughts and energy headed your way!! Love you guys!!!! Xoxo Amy Lavery

  4. This entry was posted 4 weeks ago so that means that Victoria is now OVER halfway done with her chemotherapy, right?! Yay! I will be relieved for her once it is over. Keep up with the great, hard work, guys!


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