
Showing posts from 2013

Back in the hospital...Post Surgery

Victoria found herself back in the hospital roughly one week after being released from her reconstruction surgery. It was a Thursday morning when Victoria called me at work. She had just finished taking Brodie to the park and her only remaining drain was filling up with blood and filling up fast. The rate was alarming, roughly 50cc per 15 minutes. I immediately left work and sped home fearing that I would have to take Victoria to the Emergency room. In the meantime Victoria had called the plastic surgeon to notify him of the situation. He wanted her to come in immediately. After arriving home I took her to the doctor’s office. The surgeon walked in, examined Victoria, told her to sit tight and calmly walked out of the room. We could hear him through the door talking on the phone. “I need an anesthesiologist to meet me immediately at Arrowhead Hospital”. There was a pause as he dialed another number. “I need an operating room immediately, it’s an emergency”. The doctor cam

Surgery Update

Just a quick update to let everyone know that Victoria is out of surgery. She seems to be doing much better than the last surgery. Her pain is under control, she has good energy, is eating well, and is in good spirit.

Final Chemo and Surgery

Hi All, Victoria had her final chemo treatment last week. This was a very good day for the both of us. Prior to recieving her final chemo she had a bone scan and a CT scan. The doctor reviewed the results with us prior to going into chemo and confirmed that she is in complete remission and there was nothing suspect on either of the scans. He said Victoria could have her port removed and that he would see her in 6 months. This was quite the emotional experience as just over a year ago Victoria had been diagnosed. The doctor gave Victoria a big hug and told her it's time to put this behind you and live your life. Currently, I am sitting in the hospital waiting for Victoria to come out of surgery. She is having the tissue expanders taken out and having the permanent implants put in. I'm expecting an update any minute, and will post again later today after she has come out of recovery. Although, I do not like these surgeries and I do not like to see Victoria go t

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! As you all know 2012 was an especially challenging year for Victoria and a year that we are happy to put behind us. If you saw or talked to Victoria today you wouldn’t even sense what she has been through. Her strength and positive attitude through every challenge along the way has been absolutely amazing! I’m proud to be the husband of somebody with such resiliency. The last time that I blogged Victoria was roughly two thirds the ways through her radiation treatment and we were preparing for the Race for the Cure. We had a wonderful turnout for the race for the cure and the team rose well over $2,000.00, which was donated to Susan G. Komen. The tail end of Victoria’s radiation was extremely brutal. Her skin was significantly burned, and turned a dark purple. She was in an incredible amount of pain due to the burns and there was little that could be done to help ease the pain. Victoria did see a wound doctor who was eventually able to manage the pain s