Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! As you all know 2012 was an especially challenging year for Victoria and a year that we are happy to put behind us. If you saw or talked to Victoria today you wouldn’t even sense what she has been through. Her strength and positive attitude through every challenge along the way has been absolutely amazing! I’m proud to be the husband of somebody with such resiliency.
The last time that I blogged Victoria was roughly two thirds the ways through her radiation treatment and we were preparing for the Race for the Cure. We had a wonderful turnout for the race for the cure and the team rose well over $2,000.00, which was donated to Susan G. Komen.
The tail end of Victoria’s radiation was extremely brutal. Her skin was significantly burned, and turned a dark purple. She was in an incredible amount of pain due to the burns and there was little that could be done to help ease the pain. Victoria did see a wound doctor who was eventually able to manage the pain somewhat. The largest lesson learned from this experience was that we had wished the radiation oncologist would’ve explained just how painful the radiation could become and that Victoria would have been referred to the wound doctor earlier.
We have some positive things to celebrate as we move into 2013. Victoria’s final chemo treatment is coming up in two weeks. She will have finished 1 year of Herceptin administered every 3 weeks through infusion. Following Victoria’s final chemo treatment she will undergo the second phase of her breast reconstruction surgery where the plastic surgeon will remove the tissue expanders and insert the breast implants. I’m excited to meet Victoria’s two new friends just as much as she is to welcome them into the family.
I’m sure the surgery will not be a cake walk, but just with everything else I’m sure Victoria will overcome whatever challenges come with the surgery and we can look forward to a speedy recovery and a prosperous New Year!


  1. thanks for the update! I've been meaning to bug you for one. I thought Victoria had been done with chemo for a long time, though? update us more on how you're all doing!


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