Final Chemo and Surgery

Hi All, Victoria had her final chemo treatment last week. This was a very good day for the both of us. Prior to recieving her final chemo she had a bone scan and a CT scan. The doctor reviewed the results with us prior to going into chemo and confirmed that she is in complete remission and there was nothing suspect on either of the scans. He said Victoria could have her port removed and that he would see her in 6 months. This was quite the emotional experience as just over a year ago Victoria had been diagnosed. The doctor gave Victoria a big hug and told her it's time to put this behind you and live your life.
Currently, I am sitting in the hospital waiting for Victoria to come out of surgery. She is having the tissue expanders taken out and having the permanent implants put in. I'm expecting an update any minute, and will post again later today after she has come out of recovery.
Although, I do not like these surgeries and I do not like to see Victoria go through this, it is great to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's been an incredibly long year, and we have learned more about this terrible disease than either of us ever cared to.
Please continue to send your love and prayers as I'm sure the recovery will be painful over the next couple of weeks. Thank you for all of the continued love and support that Victoria has recieved along the way.


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