+ 1 Week and Haircut

Okay Folks, so we are one week past Victoria's last chemo treatment and she is feeling great! The first few days were a little rough, but thankfully we didn't have any visits to the porcelain goddess. Victoria was very achy (similar to the ache you get before a fever - but she said it felt 5x worse). She didn't feel like much food wise, but I did my best to get her whatever she wanted. She was also extremely tired. She would sleep in and take 3 hour naps with no problem. Wednesday was the first day she left the house (and basically the couch) to take a walk around the block. Thursday, which was one week from the treatment was the first day she felt like herself. The hardest part for her was not being able to get on the ground and play with Brodie.
She still has a constant chalky taste in her mouth, her stomach is upset every once in awhile, but besides that she says she feels great. We hope that this is as bad as it gets after every treatment. Victoria fears that the side affects are going to get worse after each treatment and last longer each time. I guess only time will tell.
So, how about this new haircut? Doesn't she look beautiful. Wow! This girl is gorgeous, I think it brings out her eyes so much and makes her look so sophisticated. She wanted to get it cut short so that when her hair starts to fall out it won't be as traumatic as it would if it were longer.
Long, short, or no hair at all, it doesn't matter to me. This cancer doesn't stand a chance against Victoria's attitude and that radiant smile that we all enjoy!


  1. What a lucky girl to have such a sweet, supportive husband! And yes, she looks fantastic


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