Super Bowl Sunday

Today marks what might as well be a National holiday for the most widely watched event in American sports, Super Bowl Sunday! We watch as two teams full of warriors battle it out during 4 grueling 15 minute quarters to crown a victor. These warriors may inspire us temporarily, but the glory or pain for that matter, of what they have endured wears off quickly. My warrior and wife Victoria inspires me. I know this road ahead will be long and at times bumpy, but inside she harnesses the same tenacity and fight that we will see on the grid iron today.

Victoria hasn't felt so well the past couple of days. I think it's primarily due to the Nuelasta shot that she received Friday. She has some aches and is a bit fatigued. I want her to feel 100%, but understand that a lot of the post chemo days will probably be like this. To top it off our little guy, Brodie, isn't feeling very well either. We took him to the pediatrician yesterday, just to find out that he has a viral infection and we have to ride it out. I'm sure Brodie will start feeling better soon, and by seeing him well, will make Victoria well.

We had to call our dear friends, Alberto and Emma, in Italy today to give them the news that we plan on moving back to Arizona, so Victoria can be treated here. They will be especially difficult to leave as they have been our family, while we have been away from home. They seemed saddened by the news as we were saddened to tell them, but obviously they want whatever is best for Victoria. This disease may disrupt things temporarily, but the key word is temporarily. We look forward to the day that we can put all of this behind us, but we also know that the days ahead will only strengthen us and continue to develop us into the people and family that we will become.


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