Chemotherapy Round 2 and Genetic Test Results

Victoria just finished up her second round of chemotherapy and seems to be doing really well. She didn't sleep well the night before chemo, primarily due to the week ahead of us that we have coming up going to and moving back from Italy. We had to be out to the Cancer Treatment Center at 6:40 a.m., so they could draw her blood, send it to the lab, and have the results back, to ensure she was healthy enough to receive chemo. Our medical oncologist was very happy with the results as both her white and red blood cell count was in the 85 percentile of all women. Needless to say, she was very exhausted going into the chemo. Shortly after she was pumped full of all the fluids, drugs, steroids and whatever else they administer prior to beginning the chemo, she was out cold. I was happy to see her get a good nap in her chair.
The side effects have been on the lesser side of extreme. The chemo takes a lot out of her, so she is very tired, her stomach doesn't feel right, her appetite isn't right, and she just feels under the weather. I'm thankful that she hasn't had any vomiting or serious side effects, but I still hate that she has to feel this way. Who wants to feel like they have the flu every 3 weeks?
Victoria is so strong and positive, especially around these chemotherapy days, that it really encourages me. I know she doesn't feel 100%, probably not even 50%, but she still wakes up and is a great wife, mother, and puts a smile on her face. So much has happened in just under a week, with losing her hair, receiving chemo, and not feeling well. I've always told myself that no matter how bad I think I have it, somebody always has it worse. I never thought that "somebody" was going to be my wife. I feed off her positive energy as she faces each day and the obstacles that she must overcome.
On a very positive note, Victoria's genetic testing results came back and I am happy to report that she was negative for any mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Her development of breast cancer cannot be tied to a genetic mutation and is probably just one of those things that we'll never really know why it happened.
As I mentioned we'll be heading back to Italy next week for a busy week of moving and out processing. It will sadden us to say goodbye to our dear friends there, but we must do whatever is best for Victoria's health. Our friends and Victoria's leadership in Italy have been so supportive in all of this and we can't express how thankful we are for how supportive they have been.


  1. Great news on the genetic testing results! Travel safely. Hopefully I'll get to see you, Victoria, while you are here. I know you guys have lots of support but again, if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know.


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